Epsilon Systems' Electric Motor & Pump Repair Shop is a full-service industrial motor repair facility with a decades-long history of quality and integrity. Formerly known as Chick's Electric, the shop became a subsidiary of Epsilon Systems, carrying forward its reputation for excellence since its founding in 1964.
Shipboard & Industrial Electrical Services
We service electric motors ranging from sub-fractional to multi-thousand horsepower and provide comprehensive electrical field services for generators and pump-motor combinations, including removal, refurbishment, and reinstallation.
Our industrial customers span various sectors, including electrical power generation plants, medical and pharmaceutical companies, municipalities, water districts, mechanical contractors, manufacturers, food producers, and ship repair customers such as the U.S. Navy and the U.S. Coast Guard.
Epsilon Systems' Electric Motor & Pump Repair Shop is a member and Accredited Service Center of the Electro-Mechanical Authority (EASA).
Capabilities include:
- AC/DC motor troubleshooting (single and three-phase)
- Motor repair and rewind
- Brake motors
- Gear motors
- DC motors
- Varnish Pressure Impregnation (VPI)
- Generator troubleshooting and rewind
- Pumps
- Submersible
- Centrifugal
- Wastewater
- Vacuum
- Dynamic balancing
- Mechanical repairs
- Bearing housing
- Shaft repair and fabrication
On-Site Services:
- Electric motor troubleshooting
- Megger, surge, hi-pot, and insulation resistance tests
- Install and disconnect pumps and motors
- Pump motor alignments
- Vibration analysis
- Bearing replacement and lubrication
Electric Motor and Control Products
Epsilon Systems' Electric Motor & Pump Repair Shop offers a comprehensive product line, including new electric motors ranging from small to large, variable frequency drives, motor controls, and power transmission products.
We are dedicated to providing top-quality motor and control products, backed by exceptional service in both shop repairs and new product sales. Our commitment to excellence is upheld through a rigorous internal quality management system and reinforced by our warranty, ensuring reliable performance and customer satisfaction.
Adjustable Speed Drive Key Features
- Micro drives to 10,000HP
- DC drives to AC drives 230 low voltage and up to 4,160 medium voltage
- Simple function to complex communication protocols

Electric Motors Key Features
- Sub-fractional to multi-thousand horsepower motors
- 115 volt single phase to 4,160 medium voltage three phase motors
- HVAC to Severe Duty Industrial Process

Motor Controls Key Features
- Simple manual control to complex automated control
- Simple circuit breakers to custom motor control centers
- 115 volt to 4,160 medium voltage motor controls

Power Transmission Key Features
- Simple single groove sheaves to multi-groove adjustable sheaves
- Simple direct couplers to Elastomeric Element Flex couplers
- Timing pulleys to synchronous belt drive sprockets

Generators Key Features
- Industrial portable single phase to 400KW towable three phase generators
- Primary power skid mount power supply to stand-by industrial generators
- Diesel driven to gaseous driven generators
- 240 low voltage three phase to 7,200 medium voltage three phase