Epsilon Systems Solutions, Inc. is a 100% Employee-Owned Company

A 100% Employee-Owned Company

Epsilon Careers

Frequently Asked Questions

Apply for a Job

Do I have to log in to search jobs?

No. You can search jobs without creating a profile or logging in. Search Current Openings now.

How do I apply to a job?

If you find a position you want to apply to, you will be asked to create a profile. After you log in, follow the instructions to enter your profile and submit your resume. Be sure to answer the online questions as completely as possible, using the space provided.

How do I know my resume was received?

You will receive an automatic e-mail confirming that your resume was received. A recruiter will contact you should there be an interest.

I am having problems using the application system! What do I do?

To use our online application system, you must have one of the following browsers:

  • Internet Explorer 11+
  • Safari
  • Firefox
  • Chrome

Additionally, your browser's settings must allow for cookies to be utilized. Make sure your browser's security settings are set to Medium-High or lower.

Hiring Process

What is the application process?

When you apply to a position, your profile and answers to any job questions are measured against the job requirements. As our recruiters and hiring managers match candidates for current opportunities, you may be contacted to schedule a qualifying telephone interview.

In some cases, you may not hear from us right away, which may indicate that at this time we don't have an opportunity that matches your skills. Please continue to apply to positions that interest you and keep your profile up to date. We are always looking for new talent.

I have an interview. What can I do to prepare?

Most interviews at Epsilon Systems Solutions, Inc. are behavior-based. This means our recruiters and hiring managers will ask about specific professional situations you've been in and your accomplishments. For example, if you mention that you're efficient, you’ll be asked to provide examples from your work history that illustrate this.

Epsilon Systems Solutions, Inc. recruiters suggest you:

  • Familiarize yourself with the content of your resume
  • Review the job description to determine how your background applies
  • Be prepared to cite examples of your key professional accomplishments, related academic work and or military experience
  • Read some basic information about Epsilon Systems Solutions, Inc.’s mission and values, history, businesses, etc.
  • Prepare a list of job-related questions that you can bring to the interview

How long does the hiring process take?

While it varies, most people have at least three rounds of interviews--the first with recruiting, the second with a hiring manager, and the third with the customer (if applicable). References from employers, supervisors and co-workers are collected. Most posted positions are available immediately, but the hiring process can vary greatly in length and depends on several factors, including the skills needed and the number of qualified candidates. Some offers are contingent upon contract award and funding.

Will I receive feedback on my interview?

We make every effort to give feedback to all candidates regarding interviews, either in person or in writing.

If I don't get this job, can I continue to apply for other Epsilon Systems Solutions, Inc. positions?

Yes. Our positions are updated daily. Ensure that your profile is updated because Epsilon Systems Solutions, Inc. recruiters and hiring managers search and review candidate profiles daily.

What is the salary range of the position I applied to?

All jobs have a broad salary range that accommodates those employees who are becoming proficient at their positions and those who are already quite skilled. Your starting salary will depend upon your experience and perceived proficiency at your job as well as government contracting rates. Epsilon Systems Solutions, Inc. reviews its salary structure regularly to ensure we remain competitive with market conditions.

Password/Account Issues

I forgot my username or password. How do I retrieve it?

Find the open requisition that you are interested in. Click on “Start Your Application.” A new window or tab will pop up and you will then click on “I Already Have An Account” and then click on “Forgot Password?.” Then enter in your email address and click on “Send Reset Email.” For additional assistance, e-mail us at hr@epsilonsystems.com.

I forgot both my username and password. How do I reset my account/profile?

If you forgot all login information, e-mail us at hr@epsilonsystems.com and ask to have your account reset. Be sure to state your full name, e-mail, and the exact issue you are having.